Magazine grumble

Today in the supermarket I stopped for a glance around the magazine aisle and my eye was caught by a new magazine called 'The Simple Things'. I had a flick through and it looked OK, what you'd expect - recipes, gardening, things to make, places to go, articles on living more simply. All this for £4.99...! 

£4.99 to 'Embrace the simple life' as it says on the cover. Phew, that's a lot of money for people who are looking to simplify their lives.

I think it's great that more people are thinking about simplifying their lives and learning to appreciate  simpler things, it's a really positive change and a silver lining to the recession's grey clouds. But I think it's cynical to try to sell that lifestyle to people, to commercialise a lifestyle that includes more thoughtful, less rampant consumption. I know it's a trend like any other for many people, but selling a make do and mend, simplify your life kind of lifestyle in a £5 mag full of advertising kind of takes the piss.