The way to hell is paved with good intentions...

Now that we're in the Christmas - New Year between time like many I'm taking time to reflect on 2012 and make plans for 2013. I've gone over my 101 goals and been honest with myself about the ones I'm no longer interested in or that no longer serve a purpose. My office has been open this week but all the companies we do business with are closed so it's been very quiet, giving me the opportunity to have a good think over what I want to learn, do and achieve in the coming year. The only criteria is that they are things I want to do and which I feel will improve my life and take me closer to the lifestyle I want.  Here's what I've come up with:
  • Keep it small and simple - I don't want to feel overwhelmed by growing too many different things (like last year).
  • We havn't got a car so I can only carry small amounts of compost home, so I'll have to plan differently this year and grow things that need less soil as they grow closer together or which give a fairly high yield, for example. Climbing plants like peas fit the bill, as do radishes, salad leaves, bush tomatoes and courgettes.
  • Learn crafts that are new to me - soap making, candle making, preserving, sewing.
  • Try making different wines - Vimto wine has intrigued me!
  • Make more gifts and plan ahead eg. making chutney and red wine for mulling in Summer so they have time to mature in time to give as Christmas gifts.
  • Have less things coming in and more things going out so.
  • Follow the Down To Earth Forum 2013 de-cluttering plan month by month.
Extra income:
  • Get items onto Etsy or Folksy by March, even if just a few.
  • Tag along with the Frugeler 2013 challenge on the Frugaldom Forum. I've got lots of ideas for this.
Astrology course:
  • Complete two or more test papers a month to finish by the 12 month deadline.
  • Buy no cheap clothes from Primark - buy second hand, make do with or mend what I've got or save up and spend extra on good quality versions of items like work shoes or a sturdy bag from an ethical supplier.
  • Have another 'Stoptober' as the last one was useful. February could be a good month to set myself another one.
  • Buy as much meat and veg as possible from the market where it's a fraction of the cost of the supermarket stuff.
  • Carry on saving the same amount every month as I have been but be a little stricter over it ie. by transferring money over to savings every single month.
  • Accept that saving up a large amount isn't possible as we're on a single income - and don't beat myself up over it! When things change saving will shoot up and in the mean time something is better than nothing.