Crafty Blueberry is 12 today!

I saw these words on a poster online and it struck a cord with me. My life has changed a lot since I started this blog on 10th July 2011. I was in a crap job in a run down area, my and Mr CB's mental health were at low points and we had just enough money coming in to get by if we were careful with every penny. 

Where I am now is what I aspired to back then: A steady income, a comfortable house with a good kitchen and private garden, working mostly from home and part time, with the time and attention for doing things that that capture my imagination.

It's easy to take things for granted and with some things I do, but most days I have moments of thanking my lucky stars for a what I have and savouring them. 

I find it interesting when I read this blog and discover the things that haven't changed, summarised as my love of making things. For 12 years I've knit, crocheted, sewn, baked, cooked, brewed, preserved, glued, mended, dug, grown and more, continuously. Despite all that's changed my joy in using my hands to make things has been constant, it's been a rock during the ups and downs.

I've loved finding out how to do things myself, from soap to yogurt, wine to quilts, watching videos and reading online tutorials and books to teach myself the basics.

I've loved my imperfect results, which have been a reminder again and again that something doesn't have to be perfect to be perfect.

I've loved writing to bring my own focus to the simple, every day things I enjoy.