Gym 'n' Spam

Here are some new things I've been doing/have tried this week.  It's been a week that got off to wobbly start (it's called 'Monday morning') but I'm proud to say that I roped it back in and made it a good one.  Onto the new things:

New Thing 1) I've started learning website design at  Out of the blue I decided this would be interesting to learn and potentially useful.  I couldn't figure out where to start as a book didn't seem to be the answer - no opportunity for hands on learning.  So I Googled 'how to learn web design' and ended up at Codecademy.  It's free and it takes you through coding step by step with the opportunity to try out each bit as you go.  I'm in the very first lessons but I'm glad I got on and made a start.  I'm a complete novice by the way, so if I can follow it it must be good.

New Thing 2) My first full week at the gym:  Actually momentous for me as I have always loathed getting fit but I'm sticking to it, working hard, huffing, puffing and enjoying it.  I'm particularly enjoying the flexibility of building my own workout.  At the moment this is stretching-cardio-resistance-cardio-resistance-yoga.  I come out feeling all mmmmm.

New Thing 3) Finding  This site is amazing.  It's all about becoming self-employed but in a different way that suits you specifically and builds around the life you want to live.  There's too much to explain here so please go have a look.  I'm working through the four week course (charged for but worth every penny) and it's really having an impact on how I think.

New Thing 4) Spam fritter:  Does a new thing have to be big to be amazing?  No, not if it's a Spam fritter!  I've always thought they sound like deep-fried horror but tried it and, my word, it is crispy, juicy deep fried wonder meat.  Happy days.

What new things have you been getting excited about?  If nothing then what new thing will you do this week to get you feeling lively?

P.S. - If in doubt start with a Spam fritter.